Angelo Badalamenti ~ What do you think about dust?

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What do you think about dust?

Angelo Badalamenti: about what?

Elizabeth Burmann: dust, D-U-S-T.

A.B.: Dust?…makes me sneeze haha.

E.B.: That’s a good answer. And do you believe there is a sense of dust in music?

A.B.: A sense of dust…yeah. I will imagine there is a kind of clouds that get up a little bit too, you know? And you can just move things around just weaving your hand…or putting your fingers in the right place on the keyboard moves the dust.


Angelo Badalamenti explains how he created “Laura Palmer’s theme” for Twin Peaks.


Ives Sepúlveda: like the dust makes that you can feel the air?

A.B.: Yeah, you can feel the air when there is dust.

I.S.: If there is no dust the air it’s just empty space maybe.

A.B.: Yeah.

E.B.: Do you think that it’s possible to make music without dust?

A.B.: Probably not, you will need dust…it must be dusty.


-off the record-

A.B: Where are you from?

I.S: We are from Chile

A.B: Eeehh! Bueno-bueno

Angelo Badalamenti (New York, 1937) Music composer: Olympic fanfares, Twin Peaks and beyond. Sicilian Heart.

Widely known for his long-standing collaboration with the director David Lynch, which has produced a creative and inspired body of work, his author of unforgettable soundtracks such as  Blue Velvet, Twin PeaksThe Straight Story and Mulholland Drive.

Badalamenti works are covered by dusty clouds of mystery, becoming a cherished referent for all who are attracted for uncanniness. His latest release Thought Gang collects the collaborative work composed by him and David Lynch from 1992 to 1993, the album has been released by Sacred Bones Records in 2018.


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